- Owned ISO 9001 certification
- Member of the Galvanization Society of the United States of America
- Membership in the list of builders and vendors approved by the National Iranian Engineering and Construction Company
- Membership in the list of accredited manufacturers of large Tehran Power Distribution Equipment
- Has been approved to build a 54-meter self-static tower mobile communications company
- Has been approved to construction of a 6-meter picket roof tower of Iran Mobile Communications Company
- Has been approved to design 9-meter bridges on the bridges of the Iran Mobile Communications Company
- Has been approved to design and construction of 12 meter monopole of Iran Mobile Communications Company
Has been approved to design and construction of 12 meter monopole of Iran Mobile Communications Company
- Has been approved to design and construction of the 12-meter monopole of the Iranian Mobile Communications Company
- Has been approved to design and construction of a 12-meter BTS microfiber mast and Mobile Communications Company of Iran
- Has been approved to design and construction of a 42 meter static mast with a prefabricated foundation of Iran Mobile Communications Company
- Has been approved to design and construction of a 54-meter static mast with a prefabricated foundation of Mobile Communications Company of Iran
- Has been approved to design and construction of a 60 meter static rig with the prefabricated foundation of Iran Mobile Communications Company
- Membership in the Syndicate of Iran's Electricity Industry
- Has been certified for the quality of the hot galvanization of Iranian Atomic Energy Production and Development Company
- Has been certified for capability of warm galvanization confirmed by mobile communication company experts
- Membership in the Union of Engineering Services Executives, Consultants and Contractors of Telecommunication of Iran
Quality control unit and laboratories
The laboratory unit, with full equipment and experienced personnel, has a good control over the purity of the zinc metal, the concentration of acid and alkaline cleaners, and, if the things that the owner considers necessary, the components are sampled and the analysis related to the piece in terms of the amount of silica and the carbon contained in the steel fabric, which has a direct impact on the quality of the galvanizing coating.
When the monitoring devices feel the ambiguity of the analysis on the consumer, the unit at any time sampling the monitoring unit from the molten van and analyzing it on the consumable device surrenders to the device.
Hot-galvanized coating thickness test
The company has two laboratory units:
- Mechanical Laboratory: To control operations and production of metal and control input materials, this unit works with precision tools and instruments, including welding tests and experienced engineering personnel to measure and determine the quality of products according to the indications and standards provided.
- Laboratory of Chemistry: This laboratory is responsible for controlling all stages of galvanization and determining the quality of galvanized parts, which thickness of coating, adhesion and surface finishes are all based on Inspection of Products Hot Dip Galvanizing After Fabrication is controlled by the ASTM123 standard, and this unit provides lifetime warranty based on the position of the galvanized product.
In addition to monitoring quality control factors in research on types of hot galvanization on metals, this company, synchronize production processes for environmental protection on hot galvanized residues and their recycling, they are also tried in
This company is the only one company that provides warranty on galvanization of steel structures according to ASTM A123 standard for lifetime product warranties to contracting companies.
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